Title Research: Art of the Title
I have been working on how to make the title for my film. I know that this part is really important. You want the title to capture someone's attention. If they don't find the title interesting, they probably won't bother to see my movie.I went on the website Art of the Title to get some ideas for the title for my final task.
I like this website as it shows you what needs to be in a title sequence. I also like how everything is formatted nice and easy to find. It has a list of designers and studios which I thought was cool. The website has videos that show you step by step how each title was made. I also like the way it shows you the pictures of each slide. I think that is helpful in seeing how each one is made. I think that this website will help me in making a title sequence for my final task.
I still need to think of a short, interesting title, that gives people a hint of what my movie is about. I am still thinking!
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