Production Blog


I looked at a video online on how to use Cap Cut and how to work around the app.

I started to put all the photos and videos I was gonna use and put them on my desktop in a photo album so that they will be ready to go when I put the film together.  I know that I don't have to use them all, but I thought it would be easier to make the decision as to what to put in if they are all in one place.

I realized that I had too many photos and the ones I wanted to use were not on my phone so I had to delete some photos to make storage. 

I then sent the photos and videos I was thinking might work to my computer to upload them on Cap Cut.

I will use the song Tripped Out Slim by Trombone Shorty because I love the trombone in this song and I also love jazz.  It is a song that explains me, which is the point of my project.

I converted the song I wanted to use into an audio file.

I will put the song in my commercial as a backing track.

Now I want to start thinking about my script.  I probably should have thought of this first!  I am going to make a word document, and start a rough draft.  I will read it to myself as I go along for a couple of reasons.  When I read out loud, I can get a better idea of how my script sounds.  It is one thing to write it, but often what I think I am saying is not right when I read it out loud.  Also, I can get an idea of how long the film will be from how long it takes to read the script.

Once I have a working draft of the script, l can read the script over the Trombone Shorty song to make sure the song and the script work together.

I like this because I think the images, the voice over and the song, when combined together,  will make the project more entertaining and give the project more depth.

I started through the pictures, videos, clips and media.  There is a lot!  I want to choose the best ones to make the project interesting and fun.

So far, I am using a picture of me with Lionel Messi, a picture of me and my two dogs, me when I was 2, me playing the drums in a rock band, and me in the marching band.


I started experimenting with the visual effects on Cap Cut.

I was having trouble figuring the software out.  I could not get the photos and other media to splice together correctly.  The photos and videos were not ending when I wanted them to.

I found a video to watch to give me directions on how to fade in the photos and videos and fade them out.

The story just wasn't working; it wasn't sending the message I wanted to send.  Then it dawned on me that I had forgotten some of the more important videos of me and some of the clips from James Bond movies that would tell the story. 

I decided to make some videos of me with a U.S. flag in addition to the videos I already had of me playing the drums, me swimming, and me playing the baritone in the marching band.

I started to plan the video of me with the flag.  I went outside with a friend a made the video. 

All of my raw video and stills turned out to be too long.  At ten minutes it was way to repetitive.  I had to edit the film.

After all of that, I realized I didn't have an ending.  I am trying to think of a fun way to end my project.


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