Finishing up my video


    I want to tell you that I enjoyed making this music video.  I wasn't finished yet!
    It was pretty cool to go back through all of those old pictures and movies of me learning to skateboard when I was little.  I asked my family to go through their phones and make sure they had given me all of the videos that I might be able to put into the video.  I even texted a friend that used to go to the skateboard park with me and asked him to find out from his Mom if she had any more videos of us from back then.

    I listened to the song, 'Kick Push,' I am using a few more times.  I slowed the song down and studied the lyrics.  
    I thought about which shots would go best with the lyrics.  I played all of the videos and looked at all the pictures and tried to figure out which ones would work best.
    I had a friend come over and look at all of the pictures and videos to get her opinion about which videos were best with the song.
    I cut some of  the videos I took to show the parts I wanted to use. I started to piece together the videos, while listening to the song to make sure the lyrics and mood matched.
    I took some pictures, and made some stills from the old videos,  and put those in between the videos.
    I played the song with the videos to make sure they explained the lyrics.  I showed the video with the music to my friend to get her opinion.
    I watched my video many times.  Each time I would notice something I liked, and noticed a few things were off. 
I had to switch some things around so it was in order. I pulled up some photos of the pictures of the skateboard park and put those in. I found some photos of me skateboarding and looked through those too.
    I made sure my video edits were smooth.
    As far as I looked the video was amazing to watch!  I was proud. I just needed to figure out how to embed the video in my blog.
    The video was amazing ad I am super proud of my work.


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