Storyboard for Movie Titled 'No Clue.'
Storyboard for Movie Titled 'No Clue.'
Please find my storyboards for the movie I am making called, 'NO CLUE' below.
1: establishing shot of the house
2: close up of a window
3: high angle of boy sleeping
4: close up of window
5: low angle of boy startled
6: long shot of boy looking at window
7: medium shot of dead body outside a window
8: over the shoulder shot of boy looking at dead body
9: medium shot of boy looking confused
10: pan shot of clock showing 9pm
11: close up of headlamp on a table
12: close up of phone on a table
13: close up of phone dialing 911
14: low angle of boy with headlamp on
15: high angle of lights shining on dead body
16: establishing shot of cop car
17: medium shot of caution tape lining the area
18: high angle of the dead body in a bag
19: 2 shot showing the boy and the cop
20: medium shot of boy with flashlight looking around
21: zoom shot of a unidentified object
22: medium shot of boy in car with unidentified object
23: establishing shot of a forensic lab truck
24: medium shot of boy looking through window
25: black out
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